
I hope you know how hard I fought for him.

I hope it works out between you two.I hope when you meet him, the moment you see him, you fall in love like i did. I hope you understand what you have. Who you have.

I hope you realize the value of this amazing human and learn how to love him.

He likes his coffee strong without sugar and cold coffee with milk. I hope you never mix them up because he will drink it without complaining but he will not be happy.

Breakfast is his favorite meal of the day and he prefers staying in than going out. Please bear with him if you are new to that.

He loves his t-shirt and jeans and have unending love affair with hoodie. Please Don’t force him otherwise.

He doesn’t prefer anyone changing music while he is belting it. Don’t change it because he will try to hide his disappointment to make you happy and you won’t know.

Please be gentle with him. Please be gentle with his heart.

Its a sea of love. I hope you know how to swim and explore love everyday.

I hope you know that you have what I don’t. I hope you never take him for granted. I hope you understand he is a difficult man to love but the most lovable human you will ever meet.

I hope you never raise your voice with him because he will be crushed. I hope you will keep up with his busy schedule and crazy family because he is worth everything.

Please tell him you love him everyday and appreciate his attention. Please listen to him when he talks about his love for music or about his favorite artist. You will see the spark in his eyes when he does so.

Never forget to ask him if something is bothering him because he’s the type of guy who would never share his own burdens. Don’t test him, do not make him jealous because he will not admit that he is.

Try to kiss his wounds and run your fingers through his heart. Please feel it. Feel it beating for you and protect it. Protect it from you and time.

Do things for him that i wanted to but I can’t. Do things that i did, or better, do more than that.

He loves so innocently, he won’t ever cheat or hurt you. Let him do things for you, don’t ask him to stop, let him feel wanted.

Be proud of him, because i am and i will always be. Sometimes he will tell you he isn’t good enough but trust me when i say he is. He is risk worth taking for.

I hope you love him in ways he doesn’t know exist because he deserves it.

Love him, because i do, and because i love him, I’m giving him to you.

Take care of him for me!

Until next time


Alisha Thapa

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